Product Modernization & Upgrade

It's time for legacy software modernization

Outdated technologies don’t always necessitate immediate modernization of a legacy system. However, legacy software can indeed present a variety of challenges, often driving companies to initiate modernization efforts.

Operational issues

Sluggish performance, frequent downtime, and disruptive errors often signal the need for a comprehensive software review. Our team is adept at identifying and addressing even the most challenging operational issues through system modernization. We conduct a thorough evaluation of your legacy software to pinpoint problems and recommend the most effective modernization strategies and technologies.

Poor user adoption

When users struggle with outdated software, experience difficulties in locating information, or cannot access the system on mobile devices, Codino develops a comprehensive renovation plan to these challenges. We manage the entire modernization process, from gathering user feedback to implementing targeted improvements or executing a complete software overhaul.

High maintenance costs

If you find yourself spending fortune on each new feature or relying on numerous experts for ongoing support without seeing meaningful improvements, it may be time to consider modernization. Our team members identify the underlying problems in legacy systems that lead to budget overruns and inefficient resource use, and then undertake targeted reengineering to address these issues effectively.

Does your software needs a upgrade?

Let's talk

Client spotlight

load time reduction
Enterprise grade CRM
Initially, we were asked to audit and fix the existing code base to address performance issues causing slow loading times and sluggish API responses. Through our dedicated efforts on performance optimization and tech-stack upgrades, we successfully made the system fast and responsive again.
of app refactored
Fintech platform for household bill management
We were brought in as an rescue team to assist with poor quality codebase and meeting the MAM project's tight deadlines. By refactoring the frontend application, resolving issues, and developing new features, we ensured the platform launched on time with optimal performance.

Our Modernization Services

We specialize in revitalizing outdated or ineffective legacy applications through comprehensive modernization services. Our team transforms software by enhancing its functionality and performance, ensuring it meets the evolving needs of modern business environments and user expectations.

Architecture renovation

We redesign legacy systems to enhance their flexibility, resource efficiency, and ease of maintenance and extension. Codino’s software architects and engineers reevaluate the existing solution’s logic and select the optimal technology stack for the updated architecture. Once the new architecture is approved and visualized, we proceed with its creation.

Tech-Stack migration & consolidation

We modernize outdated technology infrastructures by transitioning to more efficient and scalable platforms. By consolidating diverse tech stacks, we enhance performance, reduce complexity, and improve system integration to support evolving business needs.

Performance Optimization

Expand functionalities and enhance performance to meet the latest standards, optimizing your applications for improved efficiency and scalability. Our approach ensures your systems are not only up-to-date but also capable of handling increased loads and future growth, providing a seamless and robust user experience.


Our software engineers examine every line of code to provide recommendations for upgrades and enhancements. We refine legacy code to resolve errors, vulnerabilities, and bugs, ensuring a clean, high-performing software solution free from code-level issues. Comprehensive testing is conducted to confirm that the revised code operates correctly and seamlessly integrates with the existing system.

Application containerization

Codino leverages leading container orchestration services such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Amazon ECS to transform complex, challenging applications into manageable, lightweight containers. By adopting containerization, we empower IT teams with enhanced flexibility to scale, modify, migrate, and replicate entire solutions or individual components.

Legacy application modernization in 4 steps

What does it take to successfully modernize legacy software? At Codino we have a proven strategy. We divide each modernization project into four key steps, ensuring a successful solution upgrade every time.

1. Legacy software assessment

This initial assessment is vital to ensure optimal strategic decisions about the future modernization efforts.

Legacy code review

Performance audit

Functional analysis

Usage rates measuring & monitoring

2. Modernization plan

We assist in selecting the optimal modernization approach that fits their technological capabilities and budget, while also considering current industry trends and global standards for software.

Modernization scope definition

Modernization budget estimation

Technologies selection

Modernization roadmap preparation

3. Legacy application modernizaion

Our team performs the complete modernization process according to the approved plan, documenting each step and offering guidance on managing the updated software.

Modernization delivery

Documentation creation

Solution testing

Feedback gathering

4. Post-modernization support

We continue to monitor the health of the updated software after the modernization activities are complete, providing support to ensure a smooth transition to the new solution.

Continuous support & testing

Software monitoring

Further enhancements

Choose your way of modernization

From monolithic apps to microservices

We transform cumbersome and inflexible monolithic applications into agile, manageable microservices. We handle the entire transformation process, from refactoring legacy code and breaking down the app into microservices to deploying them in a designated environment, migrating all data, and thoroughly testing the new microservices-based system.

From on-premises to cloud

Our experts assist companies in transitioning from resource-intensive on-premises systems to lightweight, scalable cloud environments. We redesign legacy software to meet cloud specifications, migrate all software components, reconfigure integrations, and develop custom features to replace legacy components that are not compatible with the cloud.

Tech-stack update

We modernize outdated technology stacks by upgrading to the latest versions of software, frameworks, and tools to improve system performance and security. Our team ensures compatibility with current industry standards and best practices, enabling your applications to take advantage of new features, optimizations, and enhanced support.

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What Clients say about us

The team showcased best practices in code quality and architecture, leading to scalable and maintainable solutions. The team was exceptionally responsive to feedback throughout the development process. Regular check-ins and review meetings facilitated an open line of communication, allowing for iterative adjustments based on our needs. They felt like our employees - they were perfectly mixed into our culture and working style.

Peter Holc


All members of the Codino team fit seamlessly into our delivery teams, building excellent relationships and always willing to go the extra mile to deliver on our Roadmap in a timely and efficient way. We have built extremely good relationships with them and they feel just like part of the team

Pete Willcox

VP Product

The expertise of the leaders, coupled with the diverse skill sets of their teams, truly sets them apart. Their vast experience across a myriad of projects ensures that they can adeptly handle virtually any project you envision. Furthermore, their deep involvement in the process is palpable; it's as if they seamlessly integrate and become an intrinsic part of your in-house development team.

Marcin Walaszczyk


Codino is working on creating a product for our company, they have a keen understanding of technology and do not just engage on just accepting my requirements, rather they provide keen insights on improved ways to achieve the same requirement. Through our association, my organization has launched our product successfully with many of our customers complimenting us on the design and stability of the product and all kudos to the Codino team for helping us achieve this praise. I would definitely recommend Codino to others in search for the right team for their technology implementation.

Vishnu Kaura

Assistant VP Product & Strategy

The greatest value of working with Codino was their professionalism and the ability to search for and suggest the best solutions. In addition to carrying out current tasks, we could count on support and advice in the development of our apps

Łukasz Królak

Head of Product Management

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