Optimizing Performance & Custom Development for Qompana CRM




1.5 Year


5-6 Employees



Client Overview

Qompana is an enterprise-grade CRM system implemented in a single-tenant architecture to maximize data security, performance, and customization. Designed to streamline sales operations and enhance customer relationship management, Qompana provides a comprehensive suite of tools tailored to meet the specific needs of sales teams across various industries. Serving as a centralized database for all essential customer information, simplifying daily tasks for sales representatives by enabling efficient management of sales opportunities and scheduling activities. It supports enhanced customer communication through reminders for follow-ups and planning interactions, with automation for tasks like sending emails or meeting reminders. The system functions as an effective planner for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, ensuring timely completion and efficient task management. For sales managers, Qompana offers robust tools for accessing team calendars and sales opportunities, generating insightful reports on sales metrics.

Client Needs

Codebase Audit

Codebase Audit

Performance Optimizations & Fixes

Performance Optimizations & Fixes

Frontend Redesign

Frontend Redesign

Scalable Backend Architecture

Scalable Backend Architecture

Qompana approached us with several critical requirements for their CRM system. Initially, we were tasked with auditing the existing code base to identify and resolve performance issues that were causing slow loading times and sluggish API responses. The primary objectives were to enhance system performance and ensure a seamless user experience. In addition to these performance improvements, the client sought ongoing development of new features to meet evolving business needs. A key aspect of this development was transitioning the system to a single-tenant architecture to enhance data security and additionally improve overall performance. Furthermore, the client requested a complete redesign of the frontend application to modernize the user interface and improve usability.

Services Provided

Codebase Audit: We conducted thorough audits of existing codebase to identify inefficiencies and performance bottlenecks. Our detailed analysis provided actionable insights to enhance code quality and overall system performance.

Performance Updates: Our team resolved numerous frontend issues causing slow load times and introduced backend caching, revised database indexes, and refactored code for improved performance. These updates significantly enhanced the system's responsiveness and user experience.

Fronted Redesign: We were instrumental in developing new features and completely redesigning the frontend application. Our work ensured a modern, user-friendly interface that meets evolving business needs.

Backend Development: We were involved in ongoing backend development including new features implementation such as a comprehensive payment system and robust user management functionality.

Architecture Migration: We successfully migrated the entire application to a single-tenant architecture. This transition maximized data security and customization while improving system performance.

Scope of Work

  1. Conducted a comprehensive audit of clients codebase to identify performance bottlenecks and outdated technologies

  2. Designed and developed a new user interface for the frontend application.

  3. Implemented the new UI, ensuring a modern and user-friendly experience.

  4. Updated the tech stack for the entire platform, including Java, Spring, and React versions.

  5. Applied performance fixes on the frontend to reduce load times.

  6. Refactored and optimized backend code for significant performance gains.

  7. Provided continuous updates and introduced new features according to client needs, such as a payment system and user management.

  8. Migrated backend architecture to single tenant for security and performance gains

Technologies Used

Java: Java was for backend development due to its robustness, scalability, and wide range of libraries and frameworks. It provided the necessary stability and performance for handling high-volume transactions and complex business logic.

Spring: The Spring framework was utilized to build the backend services. Its comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications, including dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management, facilitated the creation of a maintainable and scalable microservices architecture.

Kubernetes: Employed for container orchestration, and efficient single tenant architecture implementation. Kubernetes ensures efficient resource management and scalability for ZipZero's microservices architecture, allowing for seamless deployment and scaling of application components as demand fluctuates.

React: React was chosen for frontend development, enabling the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces for seamless report viewing and interaction.

PostgeSql: PostgreSQL was selected as the primary database for its reliability, advanced features, and support for complex queries. It provided robust data storage solutions, ensuring data integrity and efficient transaction processing for the platform.

Development Process

We began our engagement with a comprehensive code audit, presenting the results as an actionable roadmap during a series of workshops with the client. After receiving approval, we dedicated the next 1.5 months to refactoring the code, analyzing database queries, and reducing load times. The client was extremely satisfied with the improvements and requested our continued involvement for ongoing system enhancements and new feature development. To manage the expanded scope, we divided our team into two specialized groups. The frontend-oriented team, working closely with a designer, focused on reshaping the platform's user interface. Meanwhile, the backend-oriented team concentrated on migrating the system to a single-tenant architecture and developing additional features such as a new payment system and user management functionality. This approach ensured that both frontend and backend aspects of the project were efficiently and effectively addressed. Throughout the development process, close collaboration between our team and the client's team was maintained, allowing for continuous feedback, adjustments, and alignment with evolving project requirements.

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