Platform Development & Architecture for Giveo App


Auctions & Charity


1.5 Year


2-4 Employees



Client Overview

Giveo is a cashless donation fundraising and marketplace platform that supports impactful causes with every transaction made in the app. The platform facilitates charity auctions for selected causes, allowing users to contribute by auctioning off items, with all proceeds going directly to charity. The project prioritized not only the scalability of the system but also its intuitiveness and user-friendliness.

Client Needs

Scalable Backend Architecture

Scalable Backend Architecture

User-Friendly Mobile Application

User-Friendly Mobile Application

Reliable Search Mechanism

Reliable Search Mechanism

Integration with Delivery Systems

Integration with Delivery Systems

The client needed a system capable of handling a high volume of transactions efficiently, ensuring scalability to accommodate increasing numbers of users and donations. They emphasized the importance of an intuitive and easy-to-use interface to ensure a positive experience for end-users, thereby encouraging more participation in charity auctions. Giveo sought the development of a reliable search engine to facilitate quick and accurate item retrieval. Moreover, integration with systems such as USPS and UPS was required to provide seamless querying capabilities, enhancing the platform's functionality and user experience. Additionally, a robust and maintainable backend was required, designed using a microservices architecture to ensure reliability and ease of future updates. Lastly, an effective frontend architecture was necessary to support a responsive and engaging user interface, enhancing the overall user experience on the platform.

Services Provided

Backend Design and Development: We designed and developed a robust backend using a microservices architecture. This approach ensures the system is scalable, maintainable, and can handle a large number of transactions efficiently.

Mobile Application Design: Created a detailed design for the frontend application, focusing on user experience, responsiveness, and ease of use. The design ensures the application is intuitive and user-friendly.

Mobile Application Development: Our team spearheaded the development of the intricate mobile application using React Native. This involved leading the development process from conception to execution, ensuring the application met the client's requirements for complexity and functionality.

Scope of Work

  1. Analysis of project requirements and specifications.

  2. Designing and implementing architecture of the backend and frontend systems.

  3. Creating the user interface (UI) for the front-end application.

  4. Testing the system for performance, security, and functionality.

  5. Deployment of the system in a production environment and monitoring its operation.

  6. Providing updates and introducing new features as per the client's needs, including the intricate development and management of the mobile application using React Native. Our team led the process, ensuring the application's ongoing enhancement and alignment with evolving project objectives.

  7. Regular reviews and optimization of the system to ensure scalability and efficiency.

Technologies Used

Java: Java was chosen for backend development due to its robustness, scalability, and wide range of libraries and frameworks. It provided the necessary stability and performance for handling high-volume transactions and complex business logic.

Spring: The Spring framework was utilized to build the backend services. Its comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications, including dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and transaction management, facilitated the creation of a maintainable and scalable microservices architecture.

Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch was implemented to handle the search functionality within the platform. Its powerful full-text search capabilities and real-time data indexing ensured quick and accurate retrieval of auction items and other relevant information.

React Native: React Native was used for mobile application development, enabling the creation of cross-platform apps with native-like performance and user experience.

PostgeSql: PostgreSQL was selected as the primary database for its reliability, advanced features, and support for complex queries. It provided robust data storage solutions, ensuring data integrity and efficient transaction processing for the platform.

Development Process

The development process for the Giveo project began with extensive discussions to understand the system requirements and desired functionalities. Following this, collaborative brainstorming sessions were conducted to sketch out the system architecture and design. Once the architectural blueprint was finalized, our team, alongside the client's team, embarked on implementing the backend services, adhering to the microservices architecture principles. Simultaneously, a dedicated two-person team from our end, supported by a small team from the client, focused on developing the mobile application using React Native. One of our developers led the development of the React Native application, ensuring its seamless progression from inception to completion. Throughout the development process, close collaboration between our team and the client's team was maintained, allowing for continuous feedback, adjustments, and alignment with evolving project requirements. This iterative approach ensured the timely delivery of a scalable and user-friendly charity auction system that met the client's objectives and exceeded user expectations.

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